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Surviving Lockdown: Tips for staying motivated

If you are a business owner you will understand the potential setbacks, risks and stresses of starting a business. Not many, however, could ever have anticipated having to face the crisis of dealing with a pandemic while trying to keep a business afloat. While we are aware the lockdown is rightfully in place to keep us safe and flatten the curve, as we fast approach our 12th week in doors and working from home it is inevitable that spirits may be dampened.

We too are a small business and we have discovered the importance of staying positive and powering through. Though at times this is easier said than done, in which case, we have compiled a list of tips that might help you get over the hump and stay motivated:

1.  Have a routine

For most small business owners, working from home was a luxury they were already afforded. In fact, it may be part of the reason some chose to open their own business, for the freedom of it. That being said, while we continue to comply with the restrictions of the lockdown it may feel like you have a little less freedom.

Try making sure you keep to a daily routine, and draw a hard line between work and free time, it should dramatically improve your productivity and motivation. Try simple steps like waking up an hour earlier to head out for a walk before you start work. Or writing down a short list of goals for the day, they don’t have to be overly complicated, just small tasks like drink more water. Keeping structure in your life during this time of uncertainty is sure to keep you grounded and in good spirits.

 2. Manage your energy not time

A benefit of running your own business in lockdown, particularly if you are now working with kids in the home too, is that you can be far more flexible with your working hours. We all get the same 24 hours per day, every day. But no matter how well we plan our time, very often we end up with unfinished to-do lists. Managing your energy levels instead of focusing on your time management skills could just be the answer to your struggles.

Avoid switching between tasks, eliminate distractions and learn to say no. Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself and your business, is to create a not-to do list – avoiding energy drainers and focusing your energy on activities that bring you results.

3. Focus on the wins

You may be facing new and uncharted challenges with your business due to the pandemic, but try to remember that it isn’t all doom and gloom. If you are having a particularly bad day try and pick out the positives and focus on them instead. Write down your wins, even the smallest ones, think about how they make you feel and remember why you started your business in the first place. Remember that this is only temporary.

4. Get moving

You will have heard this time and time again, but it is worth repeating, if you are lacking motivation or feeling down on yourself, do some exercise. There are too many positives to list but the important thing to note is the wonders it will do for your mind. With so many fitness businesses pivoting towards virtual classes – check out 3Tribes & FIIT -  it’s become easier than ever to work out from home. It’s also a great new way to socialise and you are helping the cause by supporting other businesses that may be struggling to cope. Try yoga or Pilates for some mindful movement, or go for a run and try not relying on music to really help clear your head and focus on the things around you.

5. Learn a new skill

Speaking of things you haven’t tried before, another way you can boost your motivation while in lockdown is try learning a new skill. Something you enjoy and can turn to when needing a break from work. Baking seems to be a popular option at the moment but also old school hobbies like knitting, crocheting - check out Wool and The Gang if this something you’re interested in - and learning a musical instrument. But you can also use this as an opportunity to learn new skills about running your business.

6. Spend time on you

Take some time out for yourself every day and make it a priority, especially now. Make sure you get dressed in the mornings, even if it is something comfortable, spend time choosing an outfit. Have fun making the effort, you may not be going anywhere special but that doesn’t mean you can’t look good! Just try to remember that motivation is born of action and not the other way around, you must do things to spur you on and get those creative juices flowing. You can also meditate, paint, craft or read to give yourself some me time, try avoiding all screens too, so you can really switch off.  

7. Do something good

It is mental health awareness week and this year’s topic is kindness. It is fitting for the situation we all find ourselves in. Since this all began, we’ve seen an overwhelming amount of kindness, everyone from big brands and businesses to neighbours, friends and family are doing their part no matter how big or small. You are already doing plenty just by staying home but why not try the Mental Health Foundation’s suggest ‘Acts of Kindness’ found in their downloadable supporter pack. A small good deed every now and then is sure to lift you mood as well as those you are helping.

It is worth noting that you can’t possibly implement all of these into your daily life. Try choosing two or three to start with, see what works for you and change accordingly. Be kind to yourself and do what makes you feel good.