Whitepaper: The impact of employee brand advocates

People buy from people. And they buy from people they like and trust. But before they can establish a relationship based on trust, they will be forming opinions based on what they perceive from the outside. And just like in face-to-face communication, whilst you can't make people like you, you can present yourself at your best and let them decide if they want to get to know you better.

At Squirrels&Bears we recently spoke to 170 employees from various industries and business sizes about how the felt about representing their organisations and establishing their personal brand linked to their work. We found that whilst 89 percent can confidently describe what their organisation does in three sentences and the same percentage feels that they fully understand their organisation’s value proposition, only 58 percent are likely to share and like their employer’s social media updates. This shows the disconnect between internal communication and the opportunities to encourage employees to spread the message with their social networks and act as brand ambassadors on behalf of their organisations.

Download our e-book and learn more about:

  • Bringing the gap between personal and corporate brands

  • Building a personal brand online

  • Leveraging social selling

  • Why social selling works

  • How to make it work for you

  • What are the generational differences?

  • 5 steps to build a successful personal brand online


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